Between Desert Seasons

Between Desert Seasons
Between Desert Seasons, Poems, Wordcraft of Oregon, 2008. Between Desert Seasons won the prestigious 2009 WILLA Award for Poetry from Women Writing the West.
“The music of Ellen Waterston’s language in Between Desert Seasons is touching and vibrant, fiery raw and refined, reined in and set free.” – Pattiann Rogers, author of Wayfare.
“The truth is: Ellen Waterston’s poems arrive. They situate themselves naturally, to proceed in compelling, telling ways. Each poem leaves something behind.” – Lawson Fusao Inada, Oregon Poet Laureate and author of Legends From Camp.
“In Between Desert Seasons, Ellen Waterston gives us the key to her heart: mother, daughter, loyal friend, stubborn lover, fancy dancer, and it hurts so good. This is poetry. This is art.” – Linda Hussa, author of Tokens in an Indian Graveyard.